Author: Emma Koutsantonis

Emma was proudly born and raised in Adelaide. She currently works as the Chief Editor of Just Adelaide and is pursuing a Master's in Business Administration at The University of Adelaide. Her favourite part of the year is the Adelaide Finge Festival.

Adelaide’s housing market has experienced a significant surge, with average house prices climbing by over $103,000 in the past year. This remarkable growth underscores the resilience and attractiveness of Adelaide as a key property market in Australia. Recent data indicates that Adelaide, along with Perth and Brisbane, has seen substantial property value increases, a trend largely driven by robust demand and limited supply. As per a June 30, 2024 report, Adelaide’s average house price now sits at around $768,000, a notable rise from $665,000 in late June 2023. Experts attribute this growth to several factors. Firstly, Adelaide’s high quality of…

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South Australia is slowly starting to open up again as COVID-19 restrictions ease in the state. The Adelaide City Council has called upon bright business leaders under the age of 40 to workshop the city’s vibrancy and livability.  It has been reported that roughly only 200,000 of the 320,000 people that work in the CBD are back after ‘work from home’ restrictions were introduced in late March.  The workshop was hosted by Adelaide Lord Mayor Sandy Verschoor and invited alumni from the ‘40 under 40’ program. “You are the future and I need your help,” Verschoor said.  Ideas included revitalizing…

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With COVID-19 here to stay for a while South Australia’s unemployment rate has reached a new high and now has the highest rate of unemployment in the country.  As Australia eerily enters into a dark recession, unemployment rates have risen 0.3% between May and June. South Australia has seen the biggest incline in numbers rising from 7.9% to 8.8% in just a month.  Treasurer Josh Frydenberg commented that even though statistically the national unemployment rate has risen to 7.4%, the reality is much higher at 13.3%.  According to data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics the climb in SA’s…

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With the memory of last Summer’s horrific bushfires still fresh in the minds of South Australian’s the State Government has vowed to better equip firefighters ahead of the upcoming season.  Premier Steven Marshall reinforced the immeasurable impact of the loss of life, property, livestock, and wildlife in South Australia and the importance of preparing the state in order to quash the event of a repeat this summer.  The State Government has promised $20 million to carry out strategies outlined by an independent review conducted in response to the 2019/20 bushfire season. The money will be used to provide 25 new…

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In a world where the majority are still working from home, the South Australian Government has introduced a new strategy encouraging South Australian’s to get moving.  The plan aims to increase people’s physical activity and subsequently save the public health system up to $804 million a year. The strategy focuses on eight key frameworks including affordable and sustainable sporting opportunities, accessible sports facilities, and public open spaces. The initiative aims to ensure more people have the ability to include exercise in their daily lives.  The strategy couldn’t come at a better time. The impact of COVID-19 is taking its toll…

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